
Breaking Through Employment Barriers with Digital Credentials

Breaking Through Employment Barriers with Digital Credentials: A Guide for You and Your Job Seeker By seeing the sharp rise in underemployed or unemployed youth of the country, today’s..
Employment Barriers with Digital Credentials

Breaking Through Employment Barriers with Digital Credentials: A Guide for You and Your Job Seeker

By seeing the sharp rise in underemployed or unemployed youth of the country, today’s job seekers are facing more challenges than ever before to find and keep a job. This guide tackles the issue of underemployment head-on and offers employers and job seekers useful information on how to address this growing trend. It also provides answers to frequently asked questions about credentials, computer literacy, digital badges, and skills assessment testing. In this document, you will learn why digital credentials are so important for job seekers today and some best practices for your company when hiring new employees.

 What is Digital Credentials?

A digital credential is a digital proof of your skills and experiences that can be verified by an accredited third party. When you apply for a job, you can share your verified skills and experiences along with your resume. Employers can use your verified skills and experiences to help determine if you’re a good fit for the open position. For example, let’s say you’re applying for a job as a web developer at an advertising agency. You’ve worked as a web developer in the past, but your current job doesn’t require those same skills. So, you don’t have them listed on your resume or in your LinkedIn profile.

 Why are digital credentials so important for employment?

It’s become increasingly difficult for job seekers with few or no job skills to find work. Employers have become far more selective about who they hire because of a growing skills gap in the workforce. And, this has left India’s underemployed workers with few options. When you apply for a job today, employers are looking for concrete proof of your skills and previous experiences. This is especially true for people who have been out of the workforce or in careers with less-rigorous skill requirements. This is where digital credentials become so important. They can help you break through employment barriers and get hired for the job you deserve.

 How do digital badges help job seekers?

Digital credentials can be used in almost any field or industry. The most common type of credentials are called “badges.” Badges are awarded for demonstrating skills in any number of areas, including career development, computer literacy, creative thinking, project management, and technology. Badges are used for a variety of purposes, including tracking training completion, building your professional network, and getting promoted at work. Badges can also be used to prove your skills to potential employers. This can help you stand out from other job seekers who don’t have any concrete proof of their skills.

 How employers can use digital credentials when hiring?

Employers can use verified skills listed on an applicant’s resume or professional profile. This can be done by partnering with a third-party skills verification provider. Most skills verification providers will allow you to search a database of verified skills. This will help you quickly identify the candidates with the highest potential fit for the job. Badges are another way employers can use digital credentials. This can be done by partnering with a third-party provider that awards digital badges for specific skills and achievements. Badges can be displayed on your professional profile, resume, or social media pages for potential employers to see. Badges are also a common feature on professional networks like LinkedIn and can be used to connect with other professionals.

 Bottom line

When job seekers have no work experience to list on their resumes, it can be extremely challenging to find work. Digital credentials can help bridge this gap because they allow you to list skills and competencies you’ve gained through your life and education, even if you don’t have traditional job experience. Badges can be awarded for skills in just about any area, including computer literacy, programming languages, project management, and more. If you want to find a new job, it’s important that you showcase your skills and qualifications, even if you don’t have work experience in that field. When you use your digital credentials to show off your skills and accomplishments, they become an important part of your job search strategy.

For more detail information about Digital Credentials and Badges, fell free to visit TruScholar | Block Chain Based Digital Certificates & Badge and our Team will help you to implement DC!

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