
How can Institutions | EdTech benefit from digital credentials?

Digital credentials are the need of the hour. Be it a small institute or A world-renowned university, they are all heading towards the same goal, digitization! On this road..
Digital Credentials

Digital credentials are the need of the hour. Be it a small institute or A world-renowned university, they are all heading towards the same goal, digitization! On this road to digitizing education, the first

Truscholar – Certificate

A world-renowned university, they are all heading towards the same goal, digitization! On this road to digitizing education, the first and the most important step is issuing, storing, and verifying credentials digitally. By doing so, EdTechs and Institutions in India will experience the following benefits.

Security of Credentials

In India, the biggest problem the education industry faces today is fake credentials. Every year thousands of fake credentials are created and it is damaging the brands of institutions as well as students’ lives. By digitizing credentials, these problems can be removed almost instantly. At the same time, credentials will remain secure forever.

Especially with blockchain powered digital credentials for institute, they cannot be destroyed, manipulated, or stolen due to the robust security features that blockchain technology provides. Digital credentials for institute are encrypted with SHA-256 Algorithms and stored on an immutable chain of blocks that have complex consensus processes.

This will ensure the digital credentials of your learners can never be lost since they are stored in an E-Credential Wallet provided by TruScholar. And It secures the brand image of institutions and students can now access their credentials faster. It also means “Goodbye Paper Credentials.”

Brand Awareness

The most important benefit that an institute will experience with digital credentials is brand awareness. Digital credentials for institute represent advancement! And every student in this country or the world wants to study and be associated with an advanced institution.

The moment your EdTech company or institution migrates to digital credentials, it will increase the hopes of the students. They will be proud to tell their fellow students & peers about their new digital credentials. Of course, they will also start flaunting them on social media, which creates a brand awareness among all their friends and followers.

Next time when a friend of theirs wants to take up a course, consciously or subconsciously they will start searching for the course in your institute. Isn’t that the end goal of all marketing efforts of an institute? Well, your students have just become your brand ambassadors.

Faster Processes

Digital credentials for Institute and their related platforms will make the processes super faster and simpler. This applies from the onboarding of students up to their graduation. Generally, issuing and verifying credentials is a long and tedious process. It takes many weeks. However, by digitizing credentials, they can be issued in a matter of minutes. Verifiers can also validate the authenticity of credentials within a few minutes. This will help in streamlining multiple internal processes and save a lot of time for administrative departments. The best part is that there is a benefit within this benefit. By speeding up administration processes, institutions can spend more time on creating a better education curriculum and improving its delivery.

Happy Students

Finally but most importantly, digital credentials will result in happy students. With improved & faster processes and better infrastructure, the only thing that students need to worry of about is education, and nothing else.

As mentioned earlier, happy students = more students.

This will also result in better relationships between tutors and pupils, which is necessary for learning.

And that will result in the reputation of the institute’s brand growing multifold.

So, digital credentials will help the overall growth of the institution.

Isn’t that what every institution is looking for?

But Why TruScholar?

TruScholar is India’s leading and the only SaaS platform that combines blockchain  technology to make the entire digital credential process as easy as possible. We have an institute-friendly and, student-friendly web application, and security-friendly  Hyperledger Indy takes care of the backend encryption & blockchain process.

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